Friday, December 12, 2003

Remember Flag Burning? No, I don't mean do you remember actually burning any flags, but do you remember the proposed House amendment that would outlaw flag burning? Probably unconstitutional, it was one of those meaningless “Yay USA” bills.
By the way, the statement “Yay USA” is just as true as all of your beliefs about morality.

I guess the issue quietly faded into the background, but I’m kind of curious. Do any of the lefty/commie/hippie/generic miscreant groups still burn flags when they have their big demonstrations these days? I haven’t seen a U.S. flag get burned on TV in any American demonstrations, but I live in Taiwan and eat the world through a CNN funnel. Did 9/11 change the way American Pinkos demonstrate as far as flag burning goes? Did they knock it off for fear of getting a serious ass-whipping, or because they realized that in a world of evil monsters, America doesn’t even make the short list?

And lets all remember the words of Peter Rjinswand:
“Yes, brave men and women died for our freedom, but one of the freedoms they died for was the right to act like a retard. And burning your own possessions because you are angry is one of those sacred, retarded freedoms.”

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